Give us a call at (816) 293-2999

About KC Investor Funding

Hard Money Lenders of Kansas City

Hard Money Lenders of Kansas City is one of the fastest growing and most widely used hard money lenders in the Kansas City Area and nationwide. We offer hard money lending for commercial real estate, multi-family, residential single-family homes, and up to 4-unit properties for real estate investors, flippers or rehabbers, landlords, etc, in the Kansas City Area and across the United States. We do offer funding on U.S. real estate for Canadians as well. If you need funding for your next real estate investment, contact us to handle all of your hard money lending needs. No one will take better care and work diligently to ensure a timely funding process.

We work hard to connect with investors and partners to help those who want to get into the real estate industry and who want to earn a passive income in the years to come. We are always excited to bring on new partners and new investors, wanting to share the benefits that real estate can bring to them.


About Rex Rodenbaugh

Managing Director

Rex has always enjoyed the industries of financials and real estate. KC Investor Funding Hard Money Lenders of Kansas City was his opportunity to combine his interests and utilize his knowledge and expertise to help others. Rex appreciates being able to help others achieve their real estate investment goals by providing education and getting them the funding they need for their real estate projects.

When it comes to the real estate world and the finances that go behind it, Rex likes to be the “go-to” for his clients and investors.


Find Us At

(816) 293-2999
124 Missouri Ave, Ste 201
Kansas City, MO. 64106

Ready to get your real estate investment project funded?

Contact us, and let us get you on the right path!



(816) 293-2999

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